Generation of Electric Current

When you connect a power source (such as a battery) to a circuit, the power source generates a force called voltage. This voltage causes electrons (small particles with a negative charge) to start moving. The electrons move from a higher voltage point (positive terminal) to a lower voltage point (negative terminal).

As the electrons move, they pass through conductors (such as metals) and interact with the atoms in between. The electrons jump between the atoms and fill the gaps between them, similar to a game of hot potato, where the electrons act like hot potatoes jumping from one atom to another.

These moving electrons form an electric current. Current is the flow of electrons. We measure the size of electric current in units called amperes (A). Normally, current flows from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.

Therefore, the generation of electric current occurs when electrons are driven to move in a circuit by voltage. This movement creates a continuous flow of electrons, which we call electric current. Electric current provides the functionality of energy transmission and drives electronic devices within a circuit.


Role of Generators


Role of Generators

Generators are like magicians; they can convert rotational power into electrical energy. The working principle of a generator is simple:

First, the generator has a rotating component, similar to a fan or an engine in a car. This rotating part keeps spinning continuously by the energy provided by external sources such as wind, water, or a gasoline engine. Inside the generator, there is a set of special coils or wires arranged in a circular manner. When the rotating part spins, it generates a magnetic field. Then, inside the generator, there are electrons in those circular coils or wires. When the rotating part spins, the magnetic field affects these electrons, making them feel a force as if being pushed by an invisible hand. This magical force sets the electrons in motion within the coils or wires. As the electrons move in the wires, they bounce up and down like in an elevator. During this process, the electrons generate a special form of energy called electric current. Finally, this current can be transmitted through wires to the electrical devices we commonly use, such as lights, televisions, and cell phones. In this way, we can utilize the rotational power converted into electrical energy by generators to make electronic devices work.


Types of Electric Current


Types of Electric Current

The two main types of electric current are direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).

Direct current is a flow of electric charge in which the electrons move continuously in one direction. In a DC circuit, charges only move in one direction, and the direction of current remains constant. DC is commonly used in devices powered by batteries and certain electronic circuits.

Alternating current is a flow of electric charge that periodically reverses its direction between two points. In an AC circuit, the direction of current changes over time. AC is the most common type of current in our daily lives. It is generated by power plants and transmitted through the electrical grid to our homes and industrial electrical equipment. The frequency of AC current is usually measured in hertz (Hz), and the frequency of household power supply is typically 50 or 60 Hz.

DC and AC currents have some differences in applications and characteristics. For example, DC exhibits lower energy loss over long distances, while AC allows convenient voltage conversion through transformers. Different devices and circuits may require different types of current to meet their specific requirements.





Voltage, also known as electromotive force, is the pressure or driving force of electrons in a system, similar to water pressure in pipes. In standard household circuits, voltage usually refers to the potential difference provided by a power source to drive the flow of current in a circuit.

In most countries and regions, the standard voltage for household circuits is approximately 120 volts (actual voltage varies between approximately 115 and 125 volts) or 240 volts (actual range around 230 to 250 volts). Generally, most light fixtures, outlets, and small household appliances are powered by 120-volt circuits, while larger appliances such as dryers, stoves, and air conditioners typically use 240-volt circuits.





The ohm is the unit used to measure the magnitude of resistance when an electric current flows through a conductor. The higher the resistance, the greater the hindrance to the flow of current. Resistance causes a certain amount of heat to be generated in the circuit due to electron collisions and energy transfer.

For example, the reason a hairdryer blows hot air is that it contains internal circuits with resistance, which generates heat as the current passes through the resistance.


Electricity, as an important energy source in modern society, has brought unprecedented convenience and development opportunities. However, it is crucial to recognize the impact of electricity generation and usage on the environment and sustainable development. While pursuing efficient utilization of electrical energy, we should focus on the renewable nature of energy, reduce unnecessary energy waste, and actively promote the development and application of clean energy sources. The basic principles and flow of electricity are indispensable aspects of modern society.


07 septiembre 2023