Whether you are considering installing solar panels for your home or are a technology enthusiast interested in this field, this article will be an indispensable reference for you. By reading through the article, you will learn the skills to master the installation and maintenance of solar panels and be able to maximise the use of solar energy resources, contributing to energy conservation and environmental protection.



Pre-Installation of Solar Panels

Before starting the installation of solar panels, making adequate preparations is an important step to ensure that the installation process goes smoothly. This chapter will detail the various preparations that need to be made before installation, including permit application, site survey, equipment procurement and installation planning.

Applying for necessary permits

Before installing solar panels, you need to know and apply for the relevant permits. These permits may vary from region to region and country to country, and usually include the following categories:

  • Building Permit: In many regions, a building permit is required to install solar panels. An application needs to be submitted to the local building authority with relevant installation plans and technical documents.
  • Power Company Permit: If the solar system needs to be grid-connected to generate electricity, a grid-connection permit is also required from the power company. The power company usually needs to review the design and installation plan of the solar system to ensure that it meets the grid connection standards.
  • Environmental Permit: In some areas, the installation of a solar system may require an environmental impact assessment and an environmental permit.

When applying for a permit, it is recommended to communicate with the relevant departments in advance to understand the specific application process and required materials to ensure a successful permit.

Site survey and assessment

Site survey is an important step before the installation of solar panels, through which the best installation location and programme can be determined. Site survey mainly includes the following aspects:

Assessment of sunlight conditions: Use a heliometer or other tools to measure the sunlight on the roof or installation site to determine the best installation angle and orientation of the solar panels. A well-lit, unobstructed area needs to be selected to maximise the power generation efficiency of the solar panels.

Roof Structure Assessment: Check the structure and materials of the roof to ensure that it can withstand the weight of the solar panels and their supports. Reinforcement may be required for older or structurally weaker roofs.

Electrical system assessment: Examine the existing electrical system to determine the access points and wiring plan for the solar system. Need to ensure that the electrical system meets safety standards and is capable of supporting grid-connected power generation from the solar system.

Equipment Procurement

After confirming the installation plan, various types of equipment for the solar system need to be procured, including solar panels, inverters, racking, cables and other auxiliary equipment. The following points need to be noted when procuring equipment:

  • Selecting the right type of equipment: Select solar panels and inverters of the right power and specifications according to the power demand and installation plan determined in the early stage. You need to ensure that the specifications of each type of equipment match and meet the installation requirements.
  • Focus on equipment quality and certification: Choose equipment that has passed international or national certification, such as TUV, IEC and other certifications, to ensure the quality and safety of the equipment. At the same time, select reputable brands and suppliers to ensure that they can provide perfect after-sales service.
  • Procurement of auxiliary equipment: In addition to solar panels and inverters, auxiliary equipment such as brackets, cables, junction boxes, etc. need to be procured. It is necessary to select the appropriate specifications and quantity according to the actual needs to ensure that the installation process of all the needs.



Installation planning and design

After the equipment procurement is completed, detailed installation planning and design is required. Installation planning and design mainly includes the following aspects:

  • Installation location and layout: Determine the specific installation location and layout plan for the solar panels. According to the results of the site survey, select the best installation angle and orientation to ensure that the solar panels can obtain the maximum light.
  • Bracket and fixing system design: Design suitable brackets and fixing systems according to the roof structure and specifications of the solar panels. It is necessary to ensure the stability and durability of the brackets to avoid loosening or damage under adverse weather conditions.
  • Electrical Connection Design: Design the electrical connection scheme of the solar system, including the solar panels and inverter, cable routing, and junction box installation. It is necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical connections to avoid electrical failures and safety hazards.
  • Protection measures design: Consider the safety protection measures during the installation process, such as fire prevention, lightning protection and waterproofing. Need to take appropriate protective measures according to the actual situation to ensure the safety of the installation process and subsequent use.



Prepare installation tools and materials

Prior to installation, various types of installation tools and materials need to be prepared to ensure a smooth installation process. Commonly used installation tools and materials include:

  • Installation tools: such as drills, screwdrivers, spanners, measuring tools, etc.
  • Safety protection equipment: such as helmets, safety belts, protective gloves, etc.
  • Installation materials: such as screws, nuts, sealant, etc.

It is necessary to prepare all kinds of tools and materials in advance according to the installation programme and design drawings, so as to avoid the lack of tools or materials in the installation process.

Formulate the installation plan and schedule

Before the actual installation, it is necessary to formulate a detailed installation plan and schedule to ensure that the work is carried out in an orderly manner. The installation plan and schedule mainly include the following aspects:

  • Pre-installation preparations: e.g. site clearance, preparation of tools and materials.
  • Equipment installation sequence: clarify the installation sequence of solar panels, racking, inverters and other equipment to ensure that all work is organised.
  • Electrical connection and debugging: arrange electrical engineers to carry out electrical connection and system debugging to ensure the system can operate normally.
  • Safety inspection and acceptance: After the installation is completed, conduct a comprehensive safety inspection and acceptance to ensure that the system meets safety standards and usage requirements.

By drawing up detailed installation plans and schedules, installation efficiency can be effectively improved to ensure that all work during the installation process is carried out according to plan.

Training and instruction

Prior to installation, it is also necessary to provide the necessary training and guidance to the installation team to ensure that team members are familiar with the installation process and technical requirements. The main areas of training and instruction include the following:

  • Safety training: Explain the safety precautions during the installation process, such as fire and lightning protection, use of protective equipment, etc., to ensure safety during the installation process.
  • Technical training: explaining the technical principles and installation points of the solar energy system to ensure that team members master the necessary installation techniques.
  • Operation guidance: according to the specific installation programme, operation guidance and demonstration, to ensure that team members are familiar with the various operating steps.

Through training and guidance, we can improve the technical level and operational capability of the installation team to ensure that all work during the installation process meets the standards and requirements.



Solar panel installation steps in detail

The installation of solar panels is a systematic project, which needs to be carried out in strict accordance with the installation steps and technical specifications to ensure the safety and efficiency of the solar system. This chapter will introduce the solar panel installation steps in detail, including bracket installation, solar panel fixing, electrical connection and system commissioning.

Mounting Racking

Racking is the foundation of solar panels, and the quality of racking installation directly affects the stability and power generation efficiency of solar panels. The steps of racking installation are as follows:

  1. Measurement and marking: Measure and mark the mounting position of the racking on the roof or installation site according to the design drawings. Make sure that the marked position is accurate to avoid deviation during installation.
  2. Fixing base: choose the suitable fixing method according to the roof structure. For example, on flat roofs, concrete foundation or prefabricated foundation blocks can be used; on pitched roofs, bolts or special fixings can be used to fix the bracket foundation.
  3. Installation of strut: Fix the strut on the foundation, make sure the strut is vertical and stable. Check the verticality and spacing of the struts using a level and measuring tools to ensure that the overall structure of the bracket meets the design requirements.
  4. Installation of crossbeam: Fix the crossbeam on the strut to ensure that the crossbeam is horizontal and firm. Adjust the position and height of the crossbeam according to the size and installation angle of the solar panel.
  5. Check and Adjustment: After the mounting of the stanchion is completed, carry out a comprehensive check and adjustment to ensure that the various components of the stanchion are firmly connected, accurately positioned and in accordance with the design requirements.

Installation of solar panels

The installation of solar panels requires special attention to safety and details to ensure that each solar panel is installed firmly and at the right angle. The steps for solar panel installation are as follows:

  1. Handling and placing: Handle the solar panel carefully to avoid collision and damage. Place the solar panel on the bracket and adjust the position and angle initially.
  2. Fixing the solar panel: Use special fixing clips or bolts to fix the solar panel on the bracket. Ensure that each solar panel is firmly fixed to avoid loosening or falling off under adverse weather conditions such as wind and rain.
  3. Connecting cables: Connect the cables one by one solar panels according to the design drawings. Use waterproof junction boxes and connectors to ensure the safety and reliability of cable connection.
  4. Adjustment of angle and direction: Adjust the angle and direction of the solar panels according to the sunlight conditions and design requirements to ensure maximum sunlight reception.
  5. Checking and testing: After the solar panels are installed, carry out thorough checking and testing to ensure that each solar panel is firmly installed, reliably connected, and meets the design requirements.

Make electrical connections

Electrical connection is an important part of the solar system installation and involves the connection of the solar panels to the inverter and distribution system. The steps of electrical connection are as follows:

  1. Wiring and wiring: Lay out cables and junction boxes according to the design drawings. Ensure that the cables are of proper length, wired neatly, and avoid crossovers and tangles.
  2. Connecting the inverter: Connect the output cable of the solar panel to the input of the inverter. Use waterproof connectors and junction boxes to ensure safe and reliable connections.
  3. Connect to distribution system: Connect the output of the inverter to the distribution system. Select the appropriate access method and equipment according to the grid-connected or off-grid system.
  4. Installation of protective devices: During the electrical connection process, install the necessary protective devices, such as circuit breakers, fuses and lightning protection devices, to ensure the safety of the system.
  5. Checking and testing: After the electrical connection is completed, conduct thorough checking and testing to ensure the safety and reliability of the electrical connection. Use multimeter and other tools to test the voltage, current and other parameters to ensure compliance with the design requirements.



System commissioning and testing

After completing the solar panels and electrical connections, system debugging and testing is required to ensure the normal operation of the solar system. The steps for system commissioning and testing are as follows:

  1. System start-up: Start up the solar system according to the operating instructions for the inverter and distribution system. Start each device gradually to ensure that the system start-up process is normal.
  2. Parameter Setting: Set the parameters of the inverter and distribution system, such as voltage, current, frequency, etc., according to the design requirements and actual situation.
  3. Operation Test: After the system is started, conduct operation test for a period of time. Monitor the various operating parameters of the system, such as generating power, voltage, current, etc., to ensure that the system operates normally.
  4. Safety check: During the operation of the system, a comprehensive safety check is carried out to ensure that the components are firmly connected, the electrical connections are reliable, and there are no hidden safety hazards.
  5. Records and reports: After the commissioning and testing is completed, record the operating parameters and test results to form a commissioning report. For the problems found, make timely adjustment and treatment.



Safety and protective measures

Safety and protective measures are crucial during the installation of solar panels. Special attention needs to be paid to the following points:

  1. Personal protection: Installers need to wear personal protective equipment such as helmets, safety belts, protective gloves, etc. to ensure personal safety during installation.
  2. Fire protection: During the electrical connection and commissioning process, operate in strict accordance with the electrical safety code to avoid situations such as short-circuiting and overloading. Install necessary fire protection devices to ensure the fire safety of the system.
  3. Lightning protection measures: Install lightning protection devices in the solar energy system to ensure the safety of the system during thunderstorms. Especially the inverter and distribution system need to be installed with lightning protection.
  4. Waterproofing measures: Use waterproof connectors and sealants during cable connections and junction box installation to ensure waterproof performance of electrical connections. Especially when installing on the roof, pay attention to preventing rainwater leakage.
  5. Periodic Inspection and Maintenance: After the installation of the solar system is completed, perform regular inspection and maintenance to ensure the long-term stable operation of the system. Clean the surface of the solar panels, check the electrical connections and the structure of the racking, and deal with any problems found in a timely manner.



Acceptance after the installation is completed

After the solar panel installation is completed and passes the debugging and testing, acceptance work needs to be carried out. Acceptance inspection mainly includes the following aspects:

  1. Appearance Inspection: Check the appearance of the solar panels and racking to ensure that there are no damages and defects. Check the cable arrangement and junction box installation to ensure neatness and aesthetics.
  2. Performance test: Test the system's various performances, such as power generation, conversion efficiency, voltage and current, etc., to ensure compliance with design requirements.
  3. Safety check: check the various safety measures of the system, such as fire, lightning, water, etc., to ensure the safety of the system.
  4. Documents and information: check and sort out all kinds of installation documents and information, such as design drawings, equipment manuals, commissioning reports, etc., to ensure complete information.
  5. User training: Provide necessary training to users on the basic operation and maintenance of the solar energy system to ensure that users can use and maintain the system properly.

Through comprehensive acceptance work, to ensure that the quality and performance of solar energy system installation meets the requirements, to lay the foundation for the long-term stable operation of the system.

05 septiembre 2024