Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, as a clean energy technology, have been widely used in recent years. However, with the increase in the number of installations, PV systems will inevitably experience some failures during long-term operation. Understanding the types of these failures and their causes is essential to keep the system running efficiently and extend equipment life.

Common Failures of PV Modules

PV modules are the core components of a PV system, and their main function is to convert solar energy into electricity. However, during operation, PV modules may fail for a variety of reasons. Common PV module failures include:

Causes and prevention of hot spot effect

The hot spot effect is a phenomenon in which a PV module generates high temperatures in a localized area, which may lead to overheating of the internal circuits of the module, and in severe cases, may even lead to a fire. The hot spot effect is usually caused by the following reasons:

  • Localized shading: leaves, dust, bird droppings, and other shading materials covering the surface of the module can cause hot spots to be generated on the cells in the shrouded area.
  • Internal defects of the module: Defects occurring during the production process, such as cracked cells, poor welding, etc., may gradually develop into hot spots during use.
  • Aging after long-term use: After long-term use of PV modules, some of the cells may develop hot spots due to aging.

In order to prevent the hot spot effect from occurring, users should clean the surface of the module regularly and avoid long-term coverage by sheltering objects. At the same time, reliable quality modules should be selected and standardized construction should be carried out during installation. In addition, regular testing of module temperature can detect and deal with early hot spot phenomenon in time.



Causes and solutions of PID effect

The PID effect, or Potential Induced Decay, is a major cause of PV module performance degradation. The effect usually occurs in high-temperature and high-humidity environments, and is specifically characterized by a significant decrease in the output power of the module.The causes of the PID effect include:

  • Voltage shift: In high-voltage environments, charge migration may occur within the module, resulting in a potential imbalance on the surface of the cell, thus affecting module performance.
  • Harsh environmental conditions: High humidity and temperature can exacerbate the PID effect.
  • Module quality problems: Low quality modules are more prone to PID effect.

In order to cope with the PID effect, it is recommended that users choose modules with anti-PID capability when installing PV systems. In addition, optimizing the system grounding design to reduce voltage offset is also an effective preventive measure. If the system has already experienced the PID effect, system performance can be restored by short-circuiting the modules or replacing them with PID-resistant modules.



Repair and Replacement of Module Surface Damage

PV modules are exposed to the outdoors for a long time and are inevitably eroded by the natural environment, such as hail, strong winds, gravel, etc. These factors may lead to glass breakage on the surface of the modules, thus affecting the overall efficiency of the PV system. The main risks of module surface breakage include:

  • Moisture intrusion: broken glass may cause moisture to enter the interior of the module, further damaging the cells.
  • Decrease in efficiency: Broken glass can weaken the light transmission rate, thus reducing the module's power generation efficiency.
  • Safety risk: Broken glass pieces may fall, posing a safety risk.

When the surface of the module is found to be broken, users should replace the broken module in time to avoid further damage and safety hazards. If the degree of breakage is light, you can consider using special glass repair agent for temporary repair, but this is only a short-term solution, in the long run, you should still replace the component with a new one.

Prevention and treatment of module aging

PV modules will gradually age during long-term use, manifesting as a decline in cell efficiency and deterioration of encapsulation materials. The main reasons for component aging are:

  • Ultraviolet radiation: Long-term ultraviolet irradiation will lead to aging and brittleness of module encapsulation materials.
  • Temperature changes: temperature difference between day and night, seasonal changes, etc. will accelerate the aging of component materials.
  • Humidity: A high humidity environment may cause water vapor to collect inside the module, accelerating the aging of the cell.

In order to slow down the aging of PV modules, it is recommended that users regularly clean the surface of the modules to avoid long-term adhesion of dust, dirt and other debris. At the same time, the selection of component materials with excellent weather resistance is also the key to extending the service life of the module. If the module has aged significantly, it is recommended that it be replaced in a timely manner to maintain efficient system operation.



How to recognize and diagnose PV module failure

To effectively deal with PV module damage, you must first master the skills of recognizing and diagnosing faults. Methods for recognizing and diagnosing PV module faults include:

  • Visual Inspection: Periodically inspect the module surface for visible physical damage such as cracks, hot spots and contaminants.
  • Thermal imaging: using a thermal imager to detect the temperature distribution of a module can help quickly identify hot spots and localized overheating.
  • Electrical performance testing: By measuring the current-voltage curve of a PV module, it is possible to assess the module's operating status and detect power output anomalies.
  • Online monitoring system: Installing a real-time monitoring system can continuously monitor the performance of the PV system and detect and alarm abnormalities in a timely manner.

By mastering these identification and diagnostic methods, users can detect early module failures in a timely manner and take appropriate maintenance measures to avoid more serious problems.

Economic impact and cost analysis of module damage

Damage to PV modules not only affects the power generation efficiency of the system, but may also lead to economic losses. The economic impacts of module damage include:

    • Decrease in power generation**: As a result of module performance degradation or damage, the overall power generation of the system may be reduced, thus affecting the expected economic returns.
  • Maintenance and Replacement Costs: Repairing or replacing damaged modules requires additional capital investment, which can be quite high, especially for large PV systems.
  • Loss of downtime: The system may need to be shut down during maintenance or module replacement, which will result in additional power generation losses.

In order to reduce the economic impact of module damage, it is recommended that users select high-quality modules at the early stages of system design and perform regular maintenance and testing to extend the service life of the modules and maximize the economic benefits of the system.



Inverter Fault Recognition and Handling

The inverter is a crucial device in the solar PV system, which is responsible for converting the DC power generated by the PV modules into AC power that can be used by the power grid. The proper operation of the inverter is critical to the stability and efficiency of the entire PV system. However, as the inverter undertakes high voltage and high power during the conversion process, the occurrence of faults is inevitable. This chapter will discuss in detail the common types of inverter faults, identification methods and their treatment measures.

Common causes of inverter not working

Inverter not working is one of the common faults in PV systems. This problem can cause the system to fail to generate power properly, which can have a serious impact on the output of the entire power generation system. Common causes of inverter not working include:

  • Power supply problems: inverters usually need a stable power supply to work properly. If the grid voltage is unstable or the power supply wiring is loose, it may cause the inverter to fail to start.
  • Overheat protection: The inverter has a built-in temperature sensor, when the temperature gets too high, the inverter will automatically shut down to prevent damage. This usually happens when the inverter is under high load or high temperature for a long time.
  • Hardware Failure: Damage to the electronic components inside the inverter, such as capacitors, inductors or circuit boards, can also cause the unit to fail to function properly.
  • Software Failure: The inverter's software system may make errors during operation, causing the inverter to fail to start or run properly.

The first step in recognizing these problems is to check the power wiring and temperature status of the inverter. If the power wiring is correct and the ambient temperature is normal, but the inverter still does not work, you may need to check the hardware and software status inside the inverter.



Inverter Frequent Reboot Causes and Solutions

Frequent inverter reboot is another common type of fault. Frequent restarts not only affect the system's power generation efficiency, but may also cause additional wear and tear on the inverter and other system components. Common causes of frequent inverter restarts are:

  • Input voltage fluctuations: large fluctuations in the voltage or current output from the PV module may cause the inverter to fail to work stably and then restart frequently.
  • The load changes drastically: The load changes drastically at the output of the inverter, such as the frequent startup or shutdown of high-power equipment, which may result in the inverter being unable to adapt to the load changes and restart.
  • Inverter overload: When the power of the PV modules connected to the inverter exceeds the rated power of the inverter, the inverter will restart due to the overload protection mechanism.
  • High ambient temperature: In a high-temperature environment, the heat dissipation effect of the inverter is reduced, which can easily lead to overheating of the device, thus triggering the overheating protection mechanism and leading to a reboot.

Solutions for these problems include:

  • Stabilizing the input voltage: you can stabilize the input voltage by adjusting the connection of the PV modules or adding voltage stabilizing equipment to avoid excessive voltage fluctuations.
  • Reasonable load configuration: Try to avoid drastic changes in load to ensure that the inverter can operate under stable working conditions.
  • Optimize inverter configuration: Select an inverter that matches the power of the PV modules, and avoid running the inverter under overload for a long time.
  • Improve heat dissipation conditions: Reduce the ambient temperature by installing a cooling system or optimizing the installation location of the inverter to ensure the heat dissipation performance of the inverter.



Analysis and countermeasures for insufficient inverter output power

Insufficient inverter output power is one of the main problems affecting the overall efficiency of the PV system. This failure manifests itself as the actual output power of the inverter being lower than the expected value, thus affecting the overall power generation of the system. Reasons for insufficient inverter output power may include:

  • Photovoltaic module aging: aging of the PV module will cause its output voltage and current to drop, thus affecting the input power of the inverter.
  • Decrease in inverter efficiency: As an inverter is used for longer periods of time, its internal components may age or degrade in performance, leading to a decrease in conversion efficiency.
  • Insufficient input voltage or current: PV modules may not be able to provide sufficient voltage or current on cloudy days or when they are heavily polluted, resulting in insufficient input power to the inverter.
  • System wiring loss: Cables between PV modules and inverters that are too long or of inappropriate specifications may result in increased line loss, thus affecting the input power of the inverter.

Measures to deal with insufficient inverter output power include:

  • Regular maintenance of PV modules: clean the surface of the PV modules to prevent dust and pollutants from accumulating, and check the performance of the modules on a regular basis, replacing aging modules in a timely manner.
  • Checking inverter efficiency: test the efficiency of the inverter on a regular basis; if a significant drop in conversion efficiency is detected, it may need to be repaired or replaced.
  • Optimize system wiring: Ensure that the length and specifications of the system wiring meet the design requirements and minimize line losses.



Early warning and monitoring of common inverter failures

In order to avoid the impact of inverter failure on the PV system, early warning and monitoring is particularly important. Through real-time monitoring of the working status of the inverter, potential failure risks can be detected in time and measures can be taken in advance. Common monitoring means include:

  • Real-time monitoring system: install an online monitoring system to monitor the input voltage, current, output power, temperature and other parameters of the inverter in real time, so as to detect anomalies in time.
  • Fault Diagnosis Function: Modern inverters are usually equipped with fault self-diagnosis function, which automatically alarms and displays fault codes when the system is abnormal, helping users to quickly locate the problem.
  • Periodic testing and maintenance: Comprehensive testing of the inverter is conducted regularly, especially under special climatic conditions such as high temperature and rainy season, to ensure stable operation of the equipment.

Through these measures, users can effectively monitor the working status of the inverter, discover and deal with potential problems in time, and ensure the long-term stable operation of the PV system.



Economic impact of inverter failure and maintenance cost analysis

Inverter failure will not only lead to a reduction in PV system power generation, but may also trigger other economic losses. Common economic impacts include:

  • Decrease in power generation revenue: Due to inverter failure, the PV system cannot generate power normally, which directly leads to a decrease in power generation revenue.
  • Repair and Replacement Costs: Inverter repair or replacement requires additional capital investment, which can be quite high, especially outside the warranty period.
  • Loss of downtime: During an inverter failure, the system may need to be shut down for maintenance, which will result in additional power generation losses.

In order to reduce the economic impact of inverter failure, it is recommended that users select reliable quality inverters at the early stages of system design and perform regular maintenance and testing to maximize the service life of the equipment and maximize the economic benefits of the system.


The efficient operation of a solar PV system cannot be separated from the fine management of modules and inverters. Through regular maintenance, timely diagnosis and selection of high-quality equipment, users can not only ensure the stability of the system, but also maximize the economic benefits. Let's join hands to welcome the future of clean energy and contribute to the sustainable development of the earth with scientific methods.

October 03, 2024